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B2Holding ASA is a Norwegian public limited company with organisation number 992 249 986 with its registered business address and headquarter in Stortingsgaten 22, 0161 Oslo, Norway. B2Holding ASA has since 8 June 2016 been listed on Oslo Stock Exchange and included in the Oslo Stock Exchange Benchmark Index (“OSEBX”) since 1 December 2016.
Oslo. Nov 9, 2016 The site provides access, free of charge, to relevant investor related peer group consisting of Arrow Global, B2Holding, Hoist Finance, Intrum, Mrs. Pran has extensive board experience and serves currently on the boards of YARA ASA, ABG Sundal Collier ASA, B2 Holding ASA, Hitec Vision AS and Dec 31, 2019 IT-system, relations with co-investors and a flexible business model, this a 50/ 50 joint venture with B2Holding, of a distressed asset portfolio DDM Holding er en svensk konkurrent til B2Holding, som investerer i gjeldsporteføljer i sør-, kommenterte B2HOLDING Se evt Investor relations- sidene. made.
Här kan du hitta och prenumerera på pressmeddelanden och rapporter. Här finns också information om bolagets aktie och finansiella ställning. Har du några frågor är du välkommen att kontakta vår IR-kontakt. Investor Relations. Fastighets AB Balder is a listed property company which shall meet the needs of different customer groups for premises and housing based on local support. Balder aims to generate a good profit from property management through a high level of activity and efficient management.
Investor Relations säkerställer en korrekt bild av bankens grundläggande med det norska företaget B2Holding om att sälja en portfölj med oreglerade lån.
The Company specializes in the investment and workout of non-performing loans primarily from the banking sector, as well as providing third party debt collection Antal aktier: 409 932 598; Börsvärde MNOK: 3 664,80; Direktavkastning %: 0,00; P/E-tal: 11,86; P/S-tal: 1,33; Kurs/eget kapital: 0,77; Omsättning/aktie NOK: 6,75 About usNews & mediaTransaction credentialsInvestor relationsLegal abg offices investment banking are currently on the board of Yara ASA, B2Holding ASA, Hitec Vision AS and Motorgruppen AS, among others. Arild Engh joined Eirin is currently a partner within Investment Banking on the board of Yara ASA, B2Holding ASA, Hitec Vision AS and Motorgruppen AS, among others. Oct 2, 2019 without charge by calling Investor Relations toll-free at. 1-800-522-5465; and (ii) 1,450 B2Holding ASA, 6.35%, 05/28/2022(e)(f)(i).
Allgon AB AU-System AB B2 Holding AB BTS AB Com Hem AB ComHem Communication AB Eniro AB Epsilion AB Evoke Gaming Holding AB Inspecta Group
Market Cap. 3.6259 Bil. Investment Style.
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News feed of B2Holding.
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During the silent period, Investor Relations does not arrange any meetings with the press, media, investors, analysts or other capital market players. Normally this period occurs from the fifth banking day of the new quarter and until the interim report has been published. Investor Relations.
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B2Holding etablerades 2011 av grundare med lång erfarenhet från kredithanteringsbranschen. B2Holdings ordförande, Jon Harald Nordbrekken, grundade Aktiv Kapital och var vd mellan 1991-1998. 2005 grundade han Gothia Financial som såldes till Herkules Capital 2008.
About Us. Integer Holdings Corporation (NYSE:ITGR) is one of the largest medical device outsource (MDO) manufacturers in the world serving the cardiac, neuromodulation, vascular and portable medical markets. Investor Relations. Equity Investor Relations 704.386.5681